
Images created using various photoshop softwares (Adobe Photoshop + GIMP)

Header background created by Mariam Mian

YouTube Thumbnails for YuJa's Video Tutorials

These thumbnails were created after understanding UI principles on colour schemes, researching what incites users to click on a thumbnail, whilst also featuring imageries related to YuJa's products.

Bookmark for the UTSC History Project

Upon conclusion of an interview session participants often asked us how they could follow up on the Project's progress. To show our gratitude and to provide participants information to be up-to-date with our progress, our team decided on creating bookmarks.

I designed this bookmark featuring archival photographs of the Scarborough campus, incorporated campus colours, summarized the purpose of our project and included our Project website and contact details.  

Pie Charts for the UTSC History Project

A key responsibility I performed as an undergraduate Research Assistant was conducting archival research for quantitative data. Analyzing the data, we identified key trends amongst student enrolment rates across gender, and, domestic and international student admissions. 

The findings were then presented in charts such as these, tracing the data from 1964 - 2000.

Designed using Adobe 

"Wedding Congratulations" in the Urdu Language


A variety of greeting cards I designed for a client.